King Kong and Godzilla Should Kiss

Dan Brill
4 min readJan 25, 2021
Godzilla (left) and King Kong (right) about to fight, or, hear me out, kiss?

Yesterday, amidst desperate attempts to salvage the remains of our republic with Bernie Sanders photoshops and, to lesser effect, vaccines—a new potential savior entered the fray:

The trailer for Godzilla vs. Kong.

If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s worth a watch. Action-movie fans will love the various explosions and a thing Godzilla does where he turns on an iPhone flashlight from his mouth. Peak TV lovers will delight at the appearances of Seven, Paper Boi, and a tie-undone, sleeves-rolled-up so-you-know-he-means-business Coach Taylor. And cinephiles will marvel at the cutting edge special effects leaping off the TV screen they had to move into an awkward corner of their apartment in order to fit a desk and equip with their friend’s parents’ HBOMax login.

There’s only one problem. Godzilla and King Kong, or “Kong,” as his friends apparently call him in this movie(?), shouldn’t be fighting a millennia-old battle to decide the fate of their respective civilizations.

They should kiss.

Kong in Phase 3 lockdown

When we meet Kong in the trailer, he’s what the kids would refer to as “a big mood.” Physically exhausted, mentally broken, and with…

